Monday, March 21, 2011

Moving To Seattle

I will try to keep this post as brief as possible, but I wanted to fill people in on what led my wife and I to decide to move to Seattle. Many of my family and closest friends have heard the full story unfold over the last few weeks and months, but to many others, this was definitely a bit of a surprise. Here is a numbered list (my signature information delivery method) outlining what I know for sure.

1. Difficult Decision
Please rest assured that this was not an easy decision for us to make. As of this last August, I have lived in Anchorage for 20 years; I feel a sense of ownership of this city. I have family and friends galore. I love City Church, the leadership and the people with all of my heart. There is certainly excitement in my heart about this new season, but it is not without a great deal of bittersweet emotion.

2. Sense of Call
In the last 20 years of living in Anchorage, I witnessed hundreds of people leave the state because they were "tired of the cold" or "sick of Alaska" or even "just needing a change." I have been the most anti-gotta-leave-Alaska person I know. We are not moving out of a sense of boredom. We are not moving out of reaction against something. We are not moving out of a sense of dissatisfaction with our lives. We ARE moving because of a sense of call from God that this is what the next season of our lives looks like (more on this call below).

3. Temporary Absence
As far as my wife and I can tell, this move is not meant to be permanent. She grew up in Washington state and has often longed to spend a longer time back home than we get in our family vacations. We will not be selling our house, we will be renting it out. This serves as a bit of an anchor for us to return in a few years (it also makes better financial sense, related to the rental market, interest rates, market instability, etc.). Of course, nothing is guaranteed, and God can always give new or clearer direction, but as far we can tell from what God has laid on our hearts, we will be back to Anchorage in a few short years.

4. Future Ministry
Part of the call that I am experiencing is that of a church planter. This is something that I have been wrestling with for approx. 2 years now, and have finally come to the conclusion that God has put that special type of craziness in my heart and my head. My pastors have been very supportive, encouraging and frank with me over the last 6 months or so as I have been reluctantly vocalizing what it is that I believe God is calling me to. I cannot even begin to express how appreciative I am for the leaders that God has placed over me at City Church.
*I have much more that I could say along these lines, but I won't now because much of it is speculation about the future. I will say that I am keenly aware of how my presence will be missed at City Church, and that I have full confidence in the leadership as they move forward.

5. Training/School
It's been no secret that I have been deeply impacted by the ministry of Mars Hill in Seattle (Mark Driscoll's church, not Rob Bell's. Different discussion for a different day...). I feel very compatible with them in terms of theology, ministry style, etc. They have a very high priority on church planting, and as such have a school of ministry through the Resurgence that I will be applying for. In addition, the Acts 29 church planting network is affiliated with MHC in Seattle. Also, I am currently working on a master's degree through Multnomah Seminary in Portland. Living in Seattle will enable me to be a little more directly focused on my degree for a while. The education/school/training component is probably the #1 reason that we decided to move to Seattle.

Again, there is a lot more that I could say about this decision and transition. I have been supported through and through by my family, friends, and fellow ministers as all this has come to light. I recognize that there may be some who will feel hurt, frustrated, or even abandoned by this decision. My hope and prayer is that you will know that I love you, and this decision was not something made flippantly or casually. I am hurting and grieving along with you, but I am excited by the call and direction that I have received from God. I ask that you would keep my family in your prayers. Thanks.