Monday, January 4, 2010

C. Michael Patton on Homosexuality

For a while now, I have wanted to write on the subject of homosexuality from a Christian perspective. One of the blogs that I frequent is called Parchment and Pen, and the founder and primary contributor is Michael Patton (no, NOT the singer from Faith No More!). This is probably one of the most balanced and well-informed articles that I've read on the subject of homosexuality. I would encourage you to read it here:

If I could sum it up, here's what it says:

A) Homosexuality is sinful, despite the pressure from our culture to declare otherwise.
B) Every single follower of Christ is a sinner
C) Even if someone is not having perpetual victory over a sin, they can still be a follower of Christ
1) Peter still struggled with Jewish pride/racism for twelve years after Christ's resurrection
D) Christ views us in the light of His grace, not our sinful behavior, so we are to do the same

I know this could be potentially controversial for some of us, but I believe that the arguments put forth on this blog reflect pretty accurately my viewpoint on the issue of homosexuality. If anything, I would want to maybe be a little bit more clear on the Bible's take on ALL issues of sexual sin (anything outside of chastity or monogamous, committed, heterosexual marriage.) The fact that homosexuals seem to get picked on more than other people makes me sad.

1 comment:

  1. It makes me think of "serving two masters", which is a no no: e.g., serving both Christ and money, or both Christ and homosexuality. How is a "practicing" homosexual not serving two masters when they are also a "Christ follower"? And the terms (referring to Patton's essay) of "Christian" versus "Christ Follower" versus the idea of being saved should be clarified against entering the Kingdom, which is barred to practicing homosexuals (and a bunch of other practices and conditions of the heart). Finally, I think that they are "picked on" because a large contingent of that community makes a vocal point to justify the behavior and turn it into a good and healthy lifestyle which God does not disprove. My thoughts. Interesting blog.
